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शेवटचा मोगल बादशहा – बहादूरशहा जफर

” वे सूरतें इलाही किस मुल्क बस्तियाँ हैं,

अब देखने को जिन के आँखें तरसतियाँ हैं”

– मोहम्मद रफ़ी सौदा

भारतीय स्वातंत्र्यसमराचा जाज्वल्य इतिहास असंख्य ज्ञात-अज्ञात नरवीरांच्या पावन रक्ताने लिहला गेला आहे. स्वातंत्र्यकाळात बलिदान देणारे असंख्य हुतात्मे आज काळाच्या ओघात विस्मृतीत गेले आहेत, निढळ आत्मविश्वास, निखळ देशभक्ती, निरपेक्ष त्याग आणि निष्काम कर्मयोग सर्वांनी युक्त त्यांच जीवन सामान्य मानवाला जीवनशक्तीचा संजीवन मंत्र पुरवते. म्हणूनच या सर्व हुतातम्यांचे स्मरण करणे आपले आद्य कर्तव्य आहे.

विस्मृतीत गेलेल्या हुतातम्यांचा इतिहास नव्याने व ससंदर्भ आपल्यापुढे मांडण्यासाठी “आजादी के परवाने” लेखमाला !

पुष्प १ :- शेवटचा मोगल बादशहा – बहादूरशहा जफर

बहादूरशहाच मूळ नाव “अबू जफर सिराजुद्दीन मुहम्मद बहाद्दूर शहा जफर.” मुघल सम्राट अकबरशाह आणि लीलावती यांच्या पोटी ४ ऑक्टोबर १७७५ रोजी त्याचा जन्म झाला. वयाच्या ६२ व्या वर्षी अर्थात १८३७ मध्ये तो दिल्लीच्या तख्तावर आला खरा, पण यावेळी ब्रिटिशांनी संपूर्ण भारतभरात युद्धाचा धडाका लावला होता, दिल्लीची रणभूमी त्याला अपवाद नव्हती. अखेर ब्रिटिशांनी दिल्लीसुद्धा काबिज केली. एकेकाळी भारतातील सर्वात सामर्थ्यशाली साम्राज्याचा वारिस नामधारी बादशहा बनला. दिल्ली काबिज केल्यावर इंग्रजांनी बहादूरशहाला दिल्लीच्या लाल किल्ल्यातून हद्दपार केले, या वेळी बहादूरशहा गझल लिहतो____

‘मेरा रंग रूप बिगड गया, मेरा यार मुझसे बिछड गया ‘

१० मे १८५७ ला ” मारो फिरंगीको ” या युद्धघोषणेने १८५७ च्या उठावाची ठिणगी पडली. १८५७ चा उठाव म्हणजे भारतातील हिंदू-मुस्लिम जनतेने एकत्र येऊन, जुलमी ब्रिटिश राजसत्तेविरुद्ध पुकारलेला स्वातंत्र्यलढा. तत्कालीन ब्रिटिश लेखक जस्टीस मॅकार्थी आपल्या History of Our Own Times या पुस्तकात उठवाबद्दल म्हणतो__

It was not by any means a merely military mutiny. It was a combination of military grievance, national hatred, and religious fanaticism against English occupation of India. The native princes and the native soldiers were in it. The Mohomedan and the Hindu forgot their old religious antipathies to join against the Christian. Hatred and panic were the stimulants of that great rebellious movement. [ २ ]

१८५७ च्या उठावाचे सरसेनापती तात्या टोपेंच्या प्रेरणेने बहादूरशहा स्वातंत्र्ययुद्धात सामील झाला. सर्वांनी एकमताने बहादूरशहाला सम्राट घोषित केले. बादशहाने आपल्या स्वत:च्या हस्ताक्षरात जयपूर, जोधपुर, अलवर राज्यांच्या राजांना पत्रे लिहली, या पत्रात तो लिहतो____

सर्व साधनांनी व सर्वस्व पणाला लावून फिरंग्यांना हिंदुस्थानातून हाकलून केलाच दिलेले पहावे हीच माझी तीव्र इच्छा आहे. या उद्दिष्टाच्या परिपूर्तीसाठी क्रांतियुद्ध प्रारंभ झालेले आहे. पण हे युद्ध तोपर्यंत यशस्वी होण्याची शक्यता नाही की हेच जोपर्यंत या आंदोलनाचा सर्व भार स्वतःच्या खांद्यावर घेऊ शकणार, एकसूत्री संघटना निर्माण करून राष्ट्रातील सर्व सामर्थ्याचे केन्द्रीकरण करू शकणारा आणि आपल्या व्यक्तित्वात सर्व लोकांच्या इच्छाशक्ती समाविष्ट करू शकणारा नेता या युद्धाला मार्गदर्शक म्हणून लाभणार नाही. इंग्लिशांना या देशातून हाकलून लावल्यानंतर आपल्या व्यक्तिगत बडेजावाचे प्रदर्शन करण्याची व त्याने एक साधन म्हणून भारतावर राज्य करण्याची कोणतीही इच्छा माझ्या मनात उरलेली नाही. जर आपण सर्व भारतीय राजे परकीय शत्रूला या देशातून सीमापार करण्यासाठी आपले खड्ग निष्कोषित करावयास पुढे येत असाल तर आपण भारतीय राजांनी निवडलेल्या कोणत्याही संयुक्त राजमंडळाच्या हाती मी माझी साम्राज्यसत्ता व अधिकार समर्पण करून निवृत्त व्हावयास तयार आहे. [ २ ], [ ५ ]

८ जून १८५७ रोजी क्रांतिकारकांनी दिल्ली ताब्यात घेतली व बहादूरशहाला तख्तावर बसवून भारताचा सम्राट म्हणून घोषित केले. बहादूरशहा एक उत्कृष्ठ उर्दू शायरही होता. २१ सप्टेंबर १८५७ रोजी ब्रिटिशांनी दिल्ली पुनः एकदा जिंकून घेतली, व नागरिकांचा अनन्वित छळ केला. बहादूरशहा पकडला गेला, डोळ्यादेखत त्याच्या दोन मुलांचा शिरच्छेद करण्यात आला.

त्या वेळी एक इंग्रज बादशहाला म्हणाला__

“दमदमाये में दम नही अब खैर मानो जान की !

ऐ जफर, ठंडी हुई अब तेग हिंदुस्थान की !!”

हे शब्द बादशहाने ऐकले, तोही पट्टीचा शायर होताच. पुढच्या क्षणाला बहादूरशहा उत्तरला__

“गाजीयोंमें बू रहेगी जब तलक ईमान की !

तख्ते लंदन तक चलेगी तेग हिंदुस्थानकी !!” [ १ ]

अर्थात :- जोपर्यंत धर्मयोद्ध्यांच्या मनात राष्ट्रनिष्ठेचा सुगंध दरवळत राहील, तोपर्यंत हिंदुस्थानची समशेर लंडनपर्यंत तळपत राहील.

दिल्लीत कैद झाल्यावर बहादूरशहा वर खटला भरण्यात आला व त्याला जन्मठेपेची शिक्षा ठोठावून त्याची रवानगी रंगून(म्यानमार) येथे करण्यात आली. रंगून येथील तुरुंगातच ७ नोव्हेंबर १८६२ बहदूरशहाचे निधन झाले, त्याची कबरसुद्धा रंगूनमध्येच बांधण्यात आली.

रंगून येथे कैदेत असताना बहादूरशहा जफर

नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस यांची बहादूरशहाच्या समधीस्थळाला भेट

नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस यांनी बहादूरशहा जफरच्या रंगून येथील समधीस्थळाला दोनदा भेट दिली, दोन्ही वेळा त्यांनी समधीस्थळाजवळ दिलेली भाषणे खालीलप्रमाणे_____

१ :- बहादूरशहाच्या समधीस्थळी २६ सप्टेंबर १९४३ रोजी दिलेलं भाषण . [ ३ ]

बर्मा/म्यानमार दौऱ्यावर असताना नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस यांनी २६ सप्टेंबर १९४३ रोजी बहादूरशहाच्या समधीस्थळाला भेट दिली, यावेळी परेडचे ही आयोजन करण्यात आले होते. या वेळी दिलेल्या भाषणाचा संक्षिप्त भाग____

We Indians, regardless of religious faiths, cherish the memory of Bahadur Shah, not because he was the man who gave the clarion call to his countrymen to fight the enemy from without, but because he was the man under whose flag fought Indians from all provinces, Indians professing different religious faiths, the man under whose sacred flag freedom-loving Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs fought side by side in the war that has been dubbed by English historians as the sepoy mutiny, but which we Indians call the first war of independence.

२ :- बहादूरशहाच्या समधीस्थळी ११ जुलै १९४४ रोजी दिलेलं भाषण. [ ५ ]

Last year in the month of September, we held a Ceremonial parade here, at the tomb of Emperor Bahadur Shah, who was our leader in the Revolution in 1857- that is, in India’s First War of Independence. That Ceremony last year was an historic one in India’s struggle for liberty and units of the Azad Hind Fauj, who then happened to be here at that time, took part in the parade. I say that that ceremony was a historic one, because, after 1857, this was the first occasion when India’s new Revolutionary Army paid homage to the spirit of the Supreme Commander of India’s first Revolutionary Army. Last year in the parade in September, all of us who were present, took a solemn vow to continue the work of Emperor Bahadur Shah and to bring about the liberation to India from the British Yoke. I am happy and proud to be able to say now that we have been able to redeem that pledge in part. Most of the troops who were then present here are now fighting at the front. The Azad Hind Fauj, after crossing the Indian frontier, now fighting on the soil of our Motherland.

It is an extraordinary-perhaps Providential- coincidence that this year, the celebration of the death anniversary of Emperor Bahadur Shah has synchronized with the celebration of Netaji Week-during which, Indians all over East Asia have renewed their solemn pledge to continue the struggle till complete Independence is achieved. It is also an indication of the will of Providence that the place where the Supreme Commander in the First War of Independence laid down his mortal remains has become the base for India’s Last War of Independence. It is from this place, this holy place, which is now our base-that our troops are advancing towards their motherland. That is why we have met here once again in a solemn ceremonial parade of the Azad Hind Fauj to pay homage to the soul of that great patriot and leader to express our great joy at the partial fulfillment of last year’s pledge and to tighten our belts and reaffirm our vow to go on fighting until the sacred soil of India is liberated from the unwanted Britishers.

It would be proper for one to say a few words about the events of 1857. English historians have falsely propa gated the story that the fight of 1857 was a mutiny of the Indian soldiers in British service. In reality, it was a national revolution, in which both Indian troops and Indian civilians participated. Many of the Indian princes joined in this nation wide struggle, though, unfortunately, some among them kept aloof. In the early stages of that war, we scored victory after victory and it was only towards the end that we were overpowered and defeated. This is nothing unusual in the history of a revolution. In the world’s history you will rarely find a revolution where success was achieved in the first struggle. “Freedom’s battle once begun is always bequeathed from sire to son. “Even if a revolution fails for the time being and is crushed, it leaves its lessons behind. Posterity learns these lessons and then renews the struggle in a more effective manner, after making better preparations. We have learned the lessons of our failure in 1857 and in the light of that experience, we have prepared for this struggle, which is India’s Last War of Independence.

It would be a mistake to think that in 1857, the Indian people suddenly took up arms one fine morning against the British. No revolution is fought in that hasty or haphazard manner. Our leaders in 1857 did their best to prepare for that fight, though their preparations subsequently proved to be inadequate. Nana Sahib, for instance, who was one of the prominent leaders in that holy war, had traveled all over Europe, trying to get foreign aid and assistance. Unfortunately, he had failed in that attempt and when the revolution broke out in 1857, Britain was at peace with the rest of the world and could devote all her strength and resources to the task of crushing the Indian people. Inside the country, propaganda had been carried on among the people and among the Indian Troops for some time, in a most intelligent and remarkable manner, with the result that when the signal was given, fighting commenced simultaneously in different parts of the country. Victory after victory was scored. The important towns in Northern India were liberated from the hands of the British and the revolutionary troops marched into India’s metropolis with flying colors. The first phase of the campaign ended with the triumph of the Revolution almost everywhere. In the second phase of the campaign, when the counter-offensive of the enemy began, our men could not hold their ground. It was then found that the revolutionaries lacked a nationwide strategy and a dynamic leader who could coordinate that strategy. Moreover, in certain parts of the country, the Princes remained inactive and indifferent. Referring to this, Bahadur Shah wrote to the Rajahs of Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar, etc., as follows:

“It is my ardent wish to see that the English are driven out of Hindustan by all means and at any cost. It is my ardent wish that the whole of Hindustan should be free. But the revolutionary war that has been waged for this purpose cannot be crowned with success unless a man is able to sustain the whole burden of the Movement, who can organize and concentrate the different forces of the nation and unify the whole people in himself comes forward to guide this rising. I have no desire left in me of ruling over India after the expulsion of the English, to my own aggrandizement. If all of you Rajahs are ready to unsheathe your sword to drive away the enemy, then I am willing to resign my Imperial Powers and authority in the hands of any confederacy of Indian Rajahs who may be chosen to exercise it.”

This letter written by Bahadur Shah in his own hand breathes the spirit of patriotism and self-sacrifice, to which every – freedom-loving Indian will bow his head in admiration and respect.

Old and weak as he was, Bahadur Shah felt that it was beyond his capacity to conduct the war himself. He, therefore, set up a committee of six consisting of three Generals and three Civilians who would be in charge of the whole campaign. But all his efforts failed- perhaps because the time was not ripe for the complete independence of India.

There is another fact which demonstrates the revolutionary spirit and fervor which inspired the old leader. In the proclamation which was posted on the walls of Bareilly in the United Provinces, Bahadur Shah said:-

“In this our Army, the difference of small and great shall be forgotten and equality shall be the rule, for, all who draw the sword in This holy war are equally glorious. They are brethren, there is no rank among them. Therefore, I again, say to all my Indian brethren, arise and jump into the battlefield for this divinely ordained and supreme duty.”

I have referred to all These facts in order to show you that the foundation of our present Azad Hind Fauj was laid as far back as 1857. In this Last War of Independence, we have before us the lessons of the First War of 1857 and of its failure.

This time, Providence is on our side. Our enemy is engaged in a life-and-death struggle on several fronts. Our countrymen at home are wide awake. The Azad Hind Fauj is a formidable force and all members of this army are united in a common endeavor to emancipate their country. We have a common strategy for conducting the campaign over a long period till complete victory is achieved. Our base has been properly organized and last but not least we have the memory and the example of Bahadur Shah to inspire us to heroic deeds. Can there be any doubt that ultimate mate victory will be ours?

As I study the events of 1857 and think of the atrocities perpetrated by the British after the revolution collapsed my blood begins to boil. If we are men, we will certainly see to it that the heroes of 1857 and after, who suffered so much from British terror and brutality, are properly avenged. India demands revenge. The British who spilled the blood of innocent freedom-loving Indians and tortured them in an inhuman manner, not only during the war but after it was over must pay for their crimes. We Indians do not hate the enemy enough. If you want your countrymen to rise to heights of superhuman courage and heroism – you must teach them – not only to love their country – but also to hate their enemy.

Therefore, I call for blood. It is only the blood of the enemy that can avenge his crimes of the past. But we can take blood, only if we are prepared to give blood. With sequence, our program for the future is to give blood. The blood of our heroes in this war will wash away our sins of the past. The blood of our heroes will be the price of our liberty. The blood of our heroes– their heroism and their bravery – will secure for the Indian people the revenge that they demand of their British tyrants and oppressors.

With this prophetic insight, old Bahadur Shah said after his defeat :-

“Ghaziyon mem by rahegi, jab talak iman ki, thakt London tak chalegi, theg Hindustan ki”

“As long as there is faith in the hearts of our freedom fighters, the Sword of India will pierce the heart of London.”

He was right. The Liberation of India will pierce the heart of Britain and break up the British Empire.


१९०५ साली रंगून येथील काही मुस्लिमांनी बहादूरशहाच्या समधीस्थळाच्या बांधणीसाठी दाखल केलेली पेटीशन

१८५७ च्या देशव्यापी उठावाचा ब्रिटिशांनी इतका धसका घेतला की उठावानांतर भारताची सत्ता ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीच्या हातून काढून घेण्यात आली. ब्रिटिशनी या उठावाला किरकोळ “शिपायांचे बंड” म्हणून घोषित केले. १८५७ च्या उठावावर किवा त्यातील क्रांतिकारकांवर लिहण्यास मनाई घातली गेली तसेच विविध वृत्तपत्रे, पुस्तके यांमधून ब्रिटिश साम्राज्याला साजेशी १८५७ च्या उठावाची प्रतिमा बनवण्यात आली, यालाच प्रत्युत्तर म्हणून सावरकरांनी आपला “The Indian War of Independence 1857” ग्रंथ लिहला होता. १८६२ साली बहादूरशहाचा मृत्यू झाला, ब्रिटिशांच्या धोरणामुळे बादशहाची समाधी ही विस्मृतीत गेली, काळाच्या ओघात तिची अवस्था दयनीय झाली. या कारणास्तव रंगून् येथील काही स्थानिक मुस्लिमांनी Hugh Barnes या ब्रिटिश अधिकाऱ्याकडे बादशहाच्या समधीच दुरुस्तीकरण केल जाव, अशी याचिका दाखल केली.

ब्रिटिश सरकारने बादशहाच्या समाधीची दुरुस्ती करण्यास साफ इन्कार दिला, ह्यात काही आश्चर्याचे कारण नाहीच. पण या कारणास्तव ब्रिटिश अधिकाऱ्यांमध्ये झालेला पत्रव्यवहार मात्र वाचण्यासारखा आहे.

समधीच्या दुरुस्ती बद्दल स्थानिक ब्रिटिश अधिकाऱ्याने वरच्या अधिकाऱ्याला लिहलेल्या पत्रातील काही भाग. [ ६ ]
समाधीच्या दुरुस्तीसाठी होम सेक्रेटरीने दिलेला नकार. [ ६ ]

संदर्भ सूची :-

[ १ ] अजरामर उद्गार – निनाद बेडेकर

[ २ ] सत्तावन्न ते सुभाष – म. मो. बाळशास्त्री हरदास


[ ४ ] Remembering the last Mughal emperor – BBC News

[ ५ ] Abhilekh Patal File Name :- Blood-Bath- Subhas Chandra Bose, 1944

Identifier :- PP_000000006753

[ ६ ] Abhilekh patal File Name:- Request by certain Mahomedans of Rangoon to fence in Land to protect the tomb of the Late Bahadur Shah king of Delhi, megatined.

File no :- 64 & Identifier :- PR_000004008397

लेखनसीमा !



#tigerday Astronomy azadi Azadi ke parwane Bhagat Singh Black Hole Chandrashekhar Azad Indian freedom fight Krantipathavaril Agni Shalaka Lokmanya Tilak Madan Lal Dhingra Rajguru SHIVAJI MAHARAJ Sukhdev Veer savarkar wari Women Freedom Fighters

आपल्या मित्रांसोबत भारतमातेच्या अमर सुपुत्रांबद्दलची अपरिचित माहिती शेअर करा.

शेअर करण्यासाठी खालील आयकॉन्स् वर क्लिक करा.


ज्ञानाच्या अथांग महासागरातील जे ओंजळभर ज्ञात आहे, त्यातीलच काही थेंब रीते करण्यासाठी हे शब्दबिल्व !
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Vaibhav Rajendra Gurav

छान माहिती, संदर्भासहित.😊🙌🏻

Suraj Gadakh
Suraj Gadakh
3 years ago

तख्ते लंदन तक चलेगी कलम संदेश भाई की

Suraj Narsale
Suraj Narsale
3 years ago

अप्रतिम लेखन संदेश🙌👏🔥🔥👍

Mauli dhavale
Mauli dhavale
3 years ago

अभ्यासपूर्ण लेखन…👌